Adaptive Music (tm), a term coined by Christopher Yavelow, relies on a continual feedback loop consisting of a user or users evaluating music generated by seed material provided by themselves (or itself generated). The software incorporates their preferences (opinions, tastes) into subsequent compositions by adapting the models it uses to compose in the future based upon this user feedback. Adaptive Music models are collections of compositional methods, rules, and constraints. The entire learning process allows the software to continually move closer to the ideal composition for an individual or collective group of users.
Christopher Yavelow launched Adaptive Music in an exhibit entitled "The Music is the Message" at Amsterdam's newMetropolis Center for Science and Technology. The software in that kiosk has adapted to thousands of museum visitors since the museum opened in June 1997.
What you are listening to is a random example of a soundtrack generated by the exhibit at the newMetropolis Center for Science and Technology. Press the button for another random selection.